Matthew Prest

PROJECT:Bounce” June 07 @ 7pm Gallery

A man constructs a large transparent screen out of scotch tape in a busy public space during the day. The screen is roughly 12ft x 7ft running between 2 poles or trees. Once constructed, for approximately 40 minutes he runs repeatedly at the screen, throwing himself at the screen. The performance ends when he finds a way through to the other side.

PANEL: Performing Animality June 08 @ 2-4pm Society for the Arts

photos by Lovis Ostenrik, Brian Mahoney |

Matthew Prest (Australia) makes performance and installation that exists in the space between theatre and performance art. He sometime works solo, but mostly collaborates with other artists working across disciplines in devised processes to create work in which intimacy, danger, laughter, anarchy, endurance, dancing, music and space are all key elements in shaping the live experience of the audience.

This project is sponsored by The Australia Council for the Arts.