Raquel Punto

PROJECT:Acción número Nemontemi / Action number Nemontemi” June 08 @ 7pm Gallery

Black as negative, as denial. The body and the recognition of the material through the residue left as an evidence. The act of spitting as a refusal of the act of ingesting. The making of a dress as a construction in the way of the conditioned knowledge. A blind mirror from an event. Denying of the sexualized imagery and the appropriating it, affirming the existence in resistance. Referring the use of a word in Náhuatl origin as a metaphor to the transculturally and dynamic reinterpretation.

PANEL: Personal Mythologies June 07 @ 2-4pm Society for Arts

photos by Enrique Torresagatón | raquelpunto.weebly.com

* Nemontemi is a náhuatl term whose meaning was appointed in the Mexica culture (one of the most important Mesoamerican cultures) when labor of birth had occurred during any of the last five days of the year, called by the Mexicas “Nemontemi”, taken in vain and adverse in the calendar. Then, “Acción número nemontemi/Action number Nemontemi” is located in an adverse and negative space. But negative as opposition. It is the anti-birth.

Raquel Punto (Mexico) I’m an artist interested in the performance art as a basis for the objectual development. My work focuses on video, installation, painting, sculpture, mixed media, and dance. Graduated from the Arts Faculty of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM). I have participated in collective exhibitions in several states in México, imparting workshops, seminaries and talks about actions related to the body and performed in national performance art biennals, as well with opening performances in various exhibitions as is the case of the presentation of the book “La feria de la carne” from the author Yunuen Esmeralda Díaz in the Ex-Teresa Arte Actual Museum in México city.